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Growth on Demand

The big picture.

Don't loose sight of the reason your business exists

Growth with precision

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Essbay offers advisory services to companies. What are the necessary steps to optimize the value of your product at any stage in the product lifecycle? How do you ensure that your product in development meets the expectations of all stakeholders at each step of the journey?

Offering development and management

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How do you best position your product and what needs does it fulfill? An optimal client segmentation and targeting in conjunction with the optimal go-to-market strategy is difficult to achieve even if you know your industry. Essbay offers more than two decades of experience in getting it right.

Connecting the dots

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With an extensive network of business contacts worldwide, Essbay can help you connect the dots between you and potential collaboration partners. It is relatively rare that working in isolation is the best way forward. Your product or service is quite likely to fit well with other offerings or players on the market. Be it sales, marketing or synergetic alliances.